Sunday Morning Children's Church
Classes for 2's & 3's and Pre-K thru 5th Grade
Sundays at 10:30 am in the Worship Center (Sanctuary), adults and children begin service together with Song Worship, followed by Offering & open Communion. We ask that parents make the decision whether their children participate during Communion with the elements (wafer cracker & grape juice).
Communion at Greenview is open to anyone who believes in Jesus and His death for our Salvation.
Greenview Kids are dismissed for Children's Church directly from the Worship Center after Communion. A fun dismissal song will cue children to line up with their friends & teachers in the lobby. The group will proceed to the gymnasium for a video lesson & kids worship together, followed by dismissal to smaller classes where they will have a Bible based, age appropriate lesson.
Children are encouraged to bring their Bible but it is not required.
If you or your child do not own a Bible, please contact the church office at (618) 533-6910. We would be happy to provide one for you!
Communion at Greenview is open to anyone who believes in Jesus and His death for our Salvation.
Greenview Kids are dismissed for Children's Church directly from the Worship Center after Communion. A fun dismissal song will cue children to line up with their friends & teachers in the lobby. The group will proceed to the gymnasium for a video lesson & kids worship together, followed by dismissal to smaller classes where they will have a Bible based, age appropriate lesson.
Children are encouraged to bring their Bible but it is not required.
If you or your child do not own a Bible, please contact the church office at (618) 533-6910. We would be happy to provide one for you!
Nursery Aged Children
Parents do not have to wait for Children's Church dismissal to take advantage of the Nursery. Childcare is available for children under the age of 2 for the duration of service. The nursery room can be viewed through a large window accessible at the back of the Sanctuary.
Mothers Nursing Room
Greenview is blessed to have a private room for nursing mothers. Located directly off the main lobby, this room can be locked from the inside and is furnished comfortably with a couch, two chairs and a television. We like to keep this area stocked with baby essentials.
Kids Check-In
Located in the Welcome Center (Main Lobby) is a counter with touch screen devices to sign your children in. This makes it possible to track your child's attendance, as well as print an informational Name Tag in the form of a sticker. The sticker will display their Name, Age & Grade, and any allergies or medical concerns.
We encourage you to stop by the Check-In station before service. An attendant will be available to help if needed!
We encourage you to stop by the Check-In station before service. An attendant will be available to help if needed!